Android development resources

Android Development Resources

The concept you need to know for Android beginners

Core Android Application Components

UI Components

Android Manifest

Andorid default does not allow network access, you need to add these lines to manifest:



Intent is a powerful concept within the Android universe. An intent is a message that can be thought of as a request that is given to either an

activity within your own app, an external application, or a built-in Android service.

Think of an intent as a way for an Activity to communicate with the outside Android world. A few key tasks that an intent might be used for within

your apps:

Action Bar

The ActionBar is a consistent navigation element that is standard throughout modern Android applications. The ActionBar can consist of:

You need to define action buttons in /res/menu XML.


ToolBar was introduced in Android Lollipop, API 21 release and is a complete replacement to ActionBar.It’s a ViewGroup so you can place it

anywhere in your layout. ToolBar also provides greater control to customize its appearance for the same reason.

The things you cannot do in UI thread

When you debug Android APP on real device, you need first enable “USB Debug” on device. Then install USB driver on PC.

When you run APP directly on Mi 3C, you need first make sure your device turn on USB debug mode.

You just need to “Run” in Android Studio, and select the real device.


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Coursera Android


Android Open Project

Android UI

Android Bootstrap

Awesome Android



Android Best Practice

